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ANGELA ANDERSON: Loving All Things Literary

Founder & CEO, Angela Anderson Presents

Angela Anderson is a literary and editorial services professional. She has a deep passion for all things literary, marketing, and event planning. Angela founded the “Literary Café” as a place where authors and readers can connect and grow their reader-author bond through their love for the written word.

Due to her love for the art and craft of writing and people, she coined the phrase, “Where excellence and relationships are at the forefront.” It’s her motto that sets the tone and standard of Angela Anderson Presents. As the marketing and promoting of authors continue to be at the core of her organization, she finds great happiness in interacting and hearing the stories of authors and other literary professionals.

We had an opportunity to speak with Angela about the services offered by her company, strategies for building a successful literary café, and all the amazing things she is doing. From the moment you meet Angela, you’re drawn in by her warm personality and infectious smile, which immediately put you at ease. Dive into our interview. You’ll be glad you did.

VBD: Why did you start Angela's Literary Café and what services do you offer?

ANGELA: Angela’s Literary Café falls under the umbrella of my company Angela Anderson Presents. The café was birthed out of my love and passion for all things literary. I wanted to provide literary support to authors including editorial services, marketing, public relations, and literary coaching. Creating a safe place for them to nurture their craft and share their gift with the masses is very important to me, therefor you have Angela’s Literary Café.

In addition to being an avid reader, book reviewer and beta reader, I am a certified word nerd who offers editorial services as well as marketing and public relations services to my clients. I am also fueled by teaching and educating others. Therefore, I have several workshops and mastermind classes that are taught one-on-one and in group settings.

VBD: How has your vision for the café evolved?

ANGELA: I have more services to offer authors including two literary shows, Angela’s Literary Café and Angela’s Literary Tea. Both are avenues for authors to be in the spotlight, whether it is showcasing their new release on the café or having a live book discussion over tea. I think having the adaptability and courage to provide these shows virtually definitely has its benefits for Angela’s Literary Café. What started off as providing editorial services and literary events has grown to much more. I get excited just thinking about all that I have to offer authors, readers, and those in our community. I connect authors and readers together creating memorable moments of meeting their favorite authors and an unforgettable literary café experience.

VBD: What has been one of your most memorable moments in the café?

ANGELA: Oh, wow! Ok, there are so many. But one of the most memorable moments was seeing Jacquelin Thomas in the virtual audience at one of the café interviews. She has attended several but the first time I saw her in attendance was a special unforgettable moment. She is such an amazing person inside and out. She is one of my mentors that I honor and respect. She has taught me so much about the literary industry.

VBD: How has the pandemic changed the way you live and operate your business?

ANGELA: I definitely had to shift quickly to the virtual world. Believe it or not, I used to be terrified of the camera and going live. I mean butterflies in the stomach before hitting the live button and everything. I could do in person events all day long…but it was something about going live. Now, I just think of it as in-person and go from there. I had to up my technology game to make sure that I am providing quality for my literary shows. I am a forever learner, so I am often taking courses and workshops to sharpen my skills and knowledge base to be of better assistance to my clients.

VBD: What are three major keys to building a successful literary cafe'?

ANGELA: Number 1 on the list is building quality relationships with your audience, readers, and authors. The second thing would be to be yourself and the third…have fun! I like for all my guests at the café to feel at home.

VBD: What helps you to keep going when things are tough?

ANGELA: I like to keep a positive mindset and to find the good in the situation. Prayer helps to keep me centered and balanced. I am a lover of music; worship music is always a plus and helps to keep my thoughts in a good place. Good music in general, especially a song with profound lyrics is important. My passion and remembering the initial “why” I do what I do, is another thing that helps me to get through times.

VBD: What’s in the works?

ANGELA: I have some amazing author interviews coming up as well as literary tea book discussions. In addition to working on some editing projects, I also have workshops and training courses available. If you didn’t know, teaching and coaching is another love of mine. Helping others to be their best selves is an amazing feeling.

Connect with Angela:

Instagram: @angelaandersonpresents

By Icylin Morgan

Contributing Editor

About Icylin

Icylin Morgan is an educator at heart. She has held many positions in the education system including master teacher, guidance counselor, and principal. She gained a Bachelor of Education degree from Western Carolina University and a Master's in Education in School Counseling from Florida A&M University. She enjoys working in her community and is involved in several projects, clubs, and church activities. Icylin operates as the Curriculum Developer and Contributing Editor for Victorious By Design.



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