“Life has brought us to this moment when we vow to love each other forever. I can remember saying that I would never travel this road again because of the pain that I suffered the first time around. I made myself content with being single for fear of getting hurt again. Little did I know that God was preparing me for you. You came to me several times in a dream, and I couldn’t understand why of all people I kept seeing you. I mean, I had not seen you since I was a teenager. I shrugged it off, you showed up again, here, in this place, and I still shrugged it off, thinking it was a coincidence that we would meet again.
However, there was a different plan. I’m so glad you reached out to me and didn’t give up on me no matter how many times I tried to run away. Who knew that we would become best friends! Who would have thought that this is where life would have brought us? You are a vision of my deepest desires. You are a kind and gentle soul. You love me deeply and I’m so grateful for you. You are everything I wanted and so much more. I’m so glad that God knows our hearts and our deepest desires and then packages them in a way that only He can.
So today, I give myself to you as your wife, your helpmate. I promise to love you with an everlasting love. I am truly my father’s child and that comes with a stubborn streak as you are well aware, but I also come with the love and gentleness of my mother.

I won’t lie, I’m terrified because what we have is so different from anything that I’ve ever experienced — but I’m willing to continue to trust God and the love that we have for each other to get us through any tough times ahead. We have great examples set before us by our parents and grandparents. If we trust God and keep Him first in our lives, we will be okay.”
I shared these words with my husband on our wedding day. A day that I never thought I would experience, since I was content with being single and satisfied. I must admit, I wanted to experience love again, but after a failed marriage, I had a long talk with God and with myself. We are only responsible for our own actions and not the actions of others. After forgiving my ex-husband and forgiving myself for the anger that I carried around for so many years, I promised God that if He wanted to bless me with another husband, I would accept him, and love him for who he is and not make him pay for the mistakes in my past relationships.
God blessed me with a beautiful single life and now He has given me the desires of my heart, a life partner who is more than what I asked for. God has a sense of humor, so if you ask Him to prepare you for something, be prepared to get some life lessons. Believe me when I say, God is a promise keeper.
“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 (NKJV)
By Ramona Powell
Author & Contributor
About Ramona

Ramona Powell is an author, teacher, and inspirational speaker. She has used her upbringing in a Christian home to help channel her love for Christ and her desire to be an inspiration to all. Relocating back to Tallahassee in 2000 to be the primary caregiver for both parents who suffered from Alzheimer's, gave her a renewed spirit, an opportunity to get back into her writing, and a desire to get closer to God.
She enjoys sharing her life experiences to show that no matter what life throws at you, you can overcome and prevail. Ramona’s mantra is Love-Trust-Live: Love yourself so that you can love others, Trust God in all things, Live a fruitful life.
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