I found a mentor - or maybe you can say the mentor found me. At just the right time, our paths connected and the synergy is explosive. This is my testimony of the surprising power of one.

In the January issue of Victorious By Design Magazine, I shared a networking concept called 'the power of one'. It illustrates that we do not need multiple people in our network at any one time to succeed. We only need to be connected with the individual that our Heavenly Father orchestrates us to meet in a particular life season. (Grab a free digital copy of the January 2022 issue for mine and other articles, or check out the blog post version.) I provided compelling evidence for the power of one using the narratives of Bible characters. Now, I will substantiate it with my own story.
I Must Mentor You
During a recent church service, I decided to step out of the corporate service and spend some time in the prayer room. We are only allowed in the prayer room with a deacon or deaconess to pray with us, so one of the ushers called one from the service. The deaconess came, asked for my prayer request and proceeded to pray with me. We never conversed before, but since she functions in the office of a prophet, as she prayed, she began to tell me what the Lord revealed to her about my family that no one could have told her (even my husband was shocked at her accuracy).
She asked me if I have a mentor, and I told her no. Then she said, "I must mentor you." Can I tell you, I was so nervous. I knew mentorship was expensive and would require commitment. She has a fiery demeanor, but there is a gentleness and care in her expression that made me feel like I could be honest and vulnerable. So I confessed that I was afraid to commit. She looked at me and said, "Woman of God, you are bold as a lion. There is nothing to be afraid of."
The Journey
I started the journey with her, and it has been difficult and exhilarating at the same time because she is being true to her description a the drill sergeant. The truth is, I love it. How else can I grow if I am not pulled out of my comfort zone? My husband has already noticed the change in me, and I know - beyond the shadow of a doubt, that this is exactly where I need to be right now. I am assured that God knows the plans He has for me, and all of them are good (see Jeremiah 29:11-13).
So I'm going to challenge you to pray to the Lord to send the 'one' person that you must connect with at this point in your life. Believe that He will answer, and I can guarantee that He will. Then, when you see the manifestation, share your testimony with me, because I know you will have one. God is waiting to blow your mind with His goodness and His timing. Trust Him.
Kerry-Ann McPherson
Project Manager & Managing Editor, VBD Magazine