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3 Steps to take in God’s Waiting Room

Have you ever felt so alone and unloved that you feel you wanted to die?

Imprisoned in a situation which you are unable or helpless to change? Feeling as if you are being overpowered, stifling with no help in sight?

A faithful friend once told me, “when you do not understand God’s ways, you must trust His heart.” God cannot lie, and His words will not return to Him void, it shall accomplish that which He promises to do. We must wait patiently on Him.

Sometimes, it seems like you have been waiting too long, but remember several years to us is but a passing moment to our all-knowing, all-powerful God.

Consider Joseph’s terrifying moments awaiting his fate. He had to go through the pit before he reached the palace to weed out character flaws before he was promoted.

You may feel like you are in the waiting room forever… time seems to stand still.

When we pray and praise, we must be patience. We are in the middle of the deliverance from our dilemma. Before we are delivered, God will sometimes throw in a delay to test our patience. Take heart – God has his hand on our lives.

When depression and helplessness threaten to overwhelm you, remember these three (3) steps:

1. Preparation – be consistently grateful. God will not bless you with great things if you have not learned to be satisfied with little.

2. Examination – it is a test of your faith. If you are not tested, you cannot be trusted. God wants to build character and integrity in you for a higher calling.

3. Expectation – give God glory while waiting, it will draw you closer to your blessing.

Paula Hamilton

Copy Editor & Contributor



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