Lighting the path to your next level of unprecedented success
Standard Policy for Manuscript Submission
Important Details
We reserve the right to refuse submissions.
Do not submit your manuscript until we reach an agreement and payment is made.
We only edit manuscripts that are covered under our editorial contracts.
We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
We only accept submissions for original works.
We accept electronic copies of manuscripts. However, your project editor may require you to submit a hard copy of your book.
Your manuscript will be edited and returned to you, no later than four (4) weeks after submission.
Once your manuscript is edited and returned to you, consultation with the editor concerning suggested editorial changes must be done within seven (7) days, after you have received your manuscript.
Unrequested manuscripts which are sent to us via email or postal mail will not be returned. Further, Victorious By Design, LLC will not be responsible for the loss or damage to your manuscripts or submissions.
Submission Checklist
Your manuscript
Must be in Microsoft Word format
- Paper Size: Letter size sheet (8.5 x 11 inches)
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12-point
Margins: One inch
Alignment: Justified
Spacing: Single Spacing
Add page numbers.
Add a page break at the end of each chapter
Chapter headings should be uniform
Include the following pages along with your manuscript (Use if applicable)
Book Cover
Back Cover Description
Copyright Page
Reading Group Guide
A Note from The Author
Author’s Bio
Author’s Contact Information
Available Titles
Emailing your manuscript
Password protect your manuscript before emailing it to us.
Add your manuscript as an attachment to the email.
Include additional instruction, if necessary, in the body of your email.
Submit your manuscript by email to abryan@victoriousbydesign.com.
We will let you know how to send us the password.

Congratulations! You have completed your manuscript so you are one step closer to publishing your book. We are here to help you.
Editorial services are available only for the following genres:
Business Stories/Leadership Stories
Commemorative Stories
Fiction (Inspirational)
Humanitarian Stories
Positioning You For Success.
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